Study Permit
A study permit is usually valid for the length of your study program, plus an extra 90 days. The 90 days let you prepare to leave Canada or apply to extend your stay.

The study permit is a document that allows foreign nationals to study in Canada at DLIs (designated learning institutions). To study in Canada, the majority of foreign nationals require a study permit. Before you apply, double-check that you have all of the required documents. Before you travel to Canada, you should fill out an application.
A study permit normally lasts for the duration of your programme plus an additional 90 days. This extra time allows you to plan your departure from Canada or ask for a stay extension. If you are unable to complete your courses before the expiration date on your permit, you must request to extend your student visa.
Things you need:
- Letter of acceptance from the Canadian University or Canadian Colleges recognized as a Designated Learning Institution with a valid DLI number.
- Proof of your financial ability to pay for tuition fees, living expenses and return transportation to home country once your course is complete
- Ability to prove your intention to leave Canada within the authorized period of stay
- Police Clearance Certificate from home country (if required)
- Medical Examination (If required)
How can we help?
A free evaluation to determine your eligibility for a study permit in Canada.
Assist you in finding the perfect course and college to fit your needs.
Facilitate the application process for student visas and study permits.